The Lizard Log

The Langkilde Lab in Action


Broadly, our lab focuses on interactions between individuals and how these interactions are affected by changing environments.  We use reptile and amphibian study systems to answer ecological questions about invasion, stress, competition, and reproductive strategies.  To find out more about the Langkilde lab and its members, please visit the Langkilde lab website.


Penn State Department of Biology  Penn State Intercollege Degree Program in Ecology  The National Science Foundation

Penn State Department of BiologyPenn State Intercollege Degree Program in EcologyCenter for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition at Penn State, The National Science Foundation, and many others.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. If I send you a picture, could you verify if it is a Mediterranean Gecko. These are different in that they have almost suction type feet instead of claws. They are super fast but I’m still hoping to catch one.

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